What Crowns And Bridgework Can Do For Your Smile

In a perfect world, our smile would be filled with only our natural teeth, but accidents and decay can sometimes be out of our control. For all of these situations, crowns and bridgework can help restore your smile. Learn more about all the ways that dental crowns and bridges can help your smile by contacting your Columbia, SC, dentist, Dr. Kris O'Neill of O'Neill Family Dentistry.

When you've damaged a tooth due to minor injury, wear, or decay, your dentist will typically repair it with other options like dental bonding. Dental bonding is often the first option for small chips or slight damage. Fillings can do the same with teeth that have incurred cavities. If your tooth has lost significant structure then a crown may be best suited to repair it.

The reason why you will need a crown when your tooth is severely damaged is that you risk further damage without protection. Dental crowns can provide this protection as well as give your tooth back its natural appearance. This protection means that they also give you back a comparable bite strength to a natural tooth.

Unfortunately, natural teeth cannot always be saved. In these circumstances, dental bridgework can help. A bridge is created with a series of crowns that are connected together. In a typical scenario crowns on the edges are bonded onto healthy teeth so that they can support a new prosthetic tooth in between them.

Crowns and Bridges in Columbia, SC

If you have a tooth that is damaged, missing, decayed, or has cosmetic issues, you can restore your smile with dental crowns and bridges. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. O'Neill of O'Neill Family Dentistry in Columbia, SC, by dialing (803) 988-1070.

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