Invisalign: The Clear Way to Straighten Your Teeth

Your smile is one of your most noticeable attributes, which unfortunately means that its flaws stand prominently out. Straightening your Invisalignteeth and correcting its bite issues can do so much more than just increase the functionality of your smile—it can help you feel great about the way you look! If you are an adult who wishes to upgrade your smile, you need to learn about Invisalign, the discreet answer to traditional braces. Read on to learn all about this wonderful treatment, and contact Dr. Kris O’Neill in Columbia, SC, if you are at all interested!

What is Invisalign?
Invisalign takes traditional orthodontic care and turns it on its head, using completely different materials (but the same underlying idea) to move your teeth. Rather than requiring that your orthodontist permanently place metal brackets and wires onto your teeth, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligner trays. The trays gently place pressure onto the teeth, gradually moving them into their corrected positions. This revolutionary method allows patients the freedom to eat what they want, care for their teeth without any added steps, and, best yet: straighten their smile without sacrificing their look.

Am I a candidate for Invisalign?
Orthodontic care generally is not recommended for patients under the age of 12 due to their still-growing jaws and mouths. A good candidate has a strong at-home oral care routine and is committed to seeing their dentist about once every six weeks for a checkup and maintenance visit. Since patients wear each tray in the series for about two weeks at a time, your dentist will use these frequent appointments to ensure that your treatment is going according to plan.

How do I care for Invisalign?
Invisalign requires almost no extra care. The trays are removable, allowing you to take them out to eat and perform your oral care routine. Simply remove your trays to brush twice a day and floss once. Rinse the tray with water and fit it back into your mouth—that’s it!

Invisalign Treatments in Columbia, SC
If you think you can benefit from Invisalign, schedule a consultation with your dentist to ensure that you are a good candidate for this procedure. You’ll also be able to address any questions or concerns that you have about treatment and gather information to make the best decision for you.

For more information on Invisalign, please contact Dr. Kris O’Neill in Columbia, SC. Call (803) 988-1070 to schedule your consultation with Dr. O’Neill today!

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