Crowns and Bridges Bring Function and Beauty Back to Your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry SmileWhen a smile lacks functionality and beauty, it's more than noticeable: it devastates the patient's confidence and oral health. If you're missing teeth or have one marred by decay, injury or infection, you can smile again with crowns and bridges from your dentist in Columbia, SC, Dr. Kristina O'Neill. Her restorative treatment plans include crowns and bridgework that are very lifelike.

What is a crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped jacket of high-quality porcelain. A crown extends the life of a failing tooth.

Dentists such as Dr. O'Neill work hard to preserve as many natural teeth as possible with precise preventive and restorative dental treatments such as crowns, fillings, cleanings, examinations, and more. Extractions are a last resort because they impact appearance, bone structure, gum tissues and the strength and position of remaining teeth.

What is a bridge?

Bridgework consists of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) attached to natural teeth with dental crowns. Your dentist removes some enamel from the supporting, or abutment, teeth in order to accommodate the crowns. Both pontics and crowns are well-shaped and colored to blend in with the balance of your smile.

Caring for crowns and bridges

The American Academy of Prosthodontics states that crowns and bridgework last five to seven years or more when patients practice good oral hygiene at home and see their dentists semi-annually for examinations and cleanings. Dr. O-Neill carefully assesses restorations and tooth replacements, such as crowns and bridges, She advises patients avoid staining dietary choices (coffee and tea) and chewing on hard foods or non-foods such as fingernails or pencil tops.

Chew well, look great

You can restore your smile with crowns and bridges from Dr. Kristina O'Neill and her team. Contact the office today, and come see us for an individualized consultation. Phone (803) 988-1070.

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